The term Generation X, also known as “GenX”, refers to people born between 1968 and 1982. Generation X follows the Baby Boomers (1948-67) and precedes Generation Y, also known as the Millennials (1983-1995). Generation X is thus situated between two significant generations, the larger Baby Boomer generation and the even larger Millennial generation. Although Generation Xers are very open, modern and open to change, they have also retained some of the values of their predecessors, such as family and stability. Generation X is well accustomed to change and is willing to adapt easily to new situations. As a result, development and growth is a positive challenge for members of Generation X as they strive for the best life that society can offer them. In a development programme for Generation X, members of this generation can learn a lot and contribute to intergenerational understanding and cooperation. The development programme has been designed to take into account the challenges and gaps of Generation X as much as possible.
Development program for GEN X
The term Generation X, also known as “GenX”, refers to people born between 1968 and 1982. Generation X follows the […]